Thanksgiving is a great time to reflect on some things we appreciate the most. 2017 has been a great year for Velvetech and while we are working on the complete round-up of this year, here is a list of key things that we are thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Velvetech got a chance to work on the first IoT project in the consumer electronics area. We have successfully implemented an IoT system powered by a state-of-the-art personal security device that helps law enforcement officials and rescue teams carry out their duties. This project has become a logical step in completing our IoT enterprise portfolio.

We are thankful to bpm’online – our partner, who offers a process-driven CRM system for marketing, sales, and services. Implementation and customization of bpm’online CRM allowed us and our partners to conduct a 360-degree business automation. This year Velvetech was awarded for its outstanding engineering skills during the bpm’online Global Tour 2017 in Boston. Our custom add-on PandaDoc, developed specifically for bpm’online, generated a lot of buzz as it offered a significant improvement of the document management layer in bpm’online.

Velvetech is thankful for all the progress in the AI and machine learning that our tech experts were able to demonstrate. We are lucky to have implemented the latest advancements in these fields into our solutions. A bright example is our custom developed speech recognition module that can be seamlessly integrated into any call center or any other business solution where conversations play the key role.

The fierce competition in the high-frequency trading market is yet another area where we can’t but show our gratitude. The sheer fact that trading algorithms are competing for nanoseconds allowed us to work with a groundbreaking FPGA technology. Velvetech is proud to have successfully implemented several FPGA-based trading platforms.

Our special thanks go out to a plethora of tech conferences that we attended in 2017. Some key trade shows we visited were HIMSS17, IoT Evolution Expo, CPExpo, ITW, Sales Machine, FIA Expo, etc. Those grand events allowed us to connect with many great specialists and partners from various industries: Healthcare, Telecommunications, IoT, Finance, Insurance, and others.

We are most thankful to all our partners who choose to work with us and rely on Velvetech to achieve their business goals through technological solutions and innovations.

Happy Thanksgiving!