The biggest takeaway from this year’s HIMSS Conference is that healthcare community stands united in pursuit of solving the existing challenges that impede further development of the industry.
Based on the topics that grabbed the most attention the main issues are:
- Interoperability and medical data integration
- Privacy & security
- Healthcare costs management
- Compliance programs
- Telehealth adoption challenges
- Drug traceability

Obviously, our team enjoyed Eric Schmidt’s ramblings on machine learning and on “so much of untapped potential in applying AI and ML in health care”. These and blockchain are the cornerstone technologies in a couple of medical projects we are working on right now.
Earvin “Magic” Johnson also put on quite a show at the closing keynote. Earvin’s presentation “Perspectives on Leadership and Healthcare Advocacy” provided intriguing insights into how influencers and role models, as Earvin himself, can increase public awareness of health and well-being issues.
Breath of Fresh Air
HIMSS18 offered a lot of new stuff to keep attendees both engaged and entertained throughout the conference. It was our fourth visit to the conference, and we absolutely loved some of the new things introduced to HIMSS this year:
HIMSS TV covered all newsworthy moments from the conference. Attendees could watch the coverage at a hotel, online or on the HIMSS Roku channel.
Innovation Live brought together 100+ startups, accelerators and other innovative companies to showcase the future of healthcare through disruptive, cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, biotech, virtual and augmented reality, and much more.
Those 20-minute, high-energy sessions were designed to ignite guests’ thinking about hot topics that impact healthcare and health information and technology nowadays.
This interactive, one-stop shop was dedicated to showcasing practical solutions that use information and technology to improve healthcare administration and population health.
This year HIMSS went for a live streaming on Facebook. Six HIMSS18 education sessions were available for everybody via Facebook Live from the HIMSS Facebook page.
Velvetech in the Spotlight
Our management team was happy to talk with many startup founders and healthcare business owners looking for creative solutions to meet their operational challenges.
Some of the most inspiring conversations revolved around the eHealth and mHealth solutions Velvetech built for its client. To highlight some of them:
- Post-acute care coordination suite of applications
- eHealth revenue cycle management platform
- Medical insurance verification software tool
- PMS for patient retention
We also had the pleasure of sharing our expertise in VoIP Call Center integrations, blockchain development, and hardware design and prototyping.
All-in-all HIMSS18 was an enlightening experience, as always is the case with HIMSS. Our team has come back with lots of great opportunities; there is a lot of work ahead.
We are looking forward to joining our forces with other tech pioneers and healthcare businesses to make 2018 the year of breakthroughs in digital health!
In case we didn’t have a chance to meet at HIMSS18, drop us a line in the contact form below. Velvetech will be happy to assist you with eHealth and mHealth solutions development.